nixie multiplexing
nixie multiplexing
is it true that multiplexing of nixies shortens their life?
Re: nixie multiplexing
it is clear that multiplexing shortens the life of nixie. The nixie gradually lose their cathodes, and after a while some of the numbers in the nixie stop lighting up entirely. For example, only a part of the number lights up, until eventually it does not light up at all after a while. A by-product of nixie multiplexing is interference as the 180V switches rapidly.
Re: nixie multiplexing
I need some circuit that solves the extinguishing of insignificant zeros on the display with nixie. The 7447 decoder has trailing zero suppression, but the 74141 does not
Re: nixie multiplexing
suppression of non-significant zeros in the 74141 circuit can be done using a 5-input NOR gate (74LS260). The gate connects to the inputs of the 74141 and creates an auxiliary input and output for the previous and next decade.